Friday, January 9, 2009

General Update, and Temblor!

With bE volunteers gradually sauntering back, smug and tan, from holiday destinations to places besides Bluefields, work weeks have recommenced and we’re back to preparing full-time for our fast-approaching trip up to Kahkabila. Whenever that might occur. Most likely before the end of January, but possibly early in February, at the very latest. Maybe.

First bE rule: "Hurry up and wait."

In the meanwhile, we’ve been digging up information from work groups and internal bE expertise about water filtration, biodigesters, ecotourism, etc…, trying to prepare as much as possible for two remote months in which we really want to be as useful to this community as possible. It feels like we don’t know anything right now, and since there are so many directions that community development work could take once one is actually on the ground, it feels like we need to know everything, just in case.

Second bE rule: "The plan is to change the plan."

We’ve been spending a lot time with two French volunteers, Jose and Ann, who are in Bluefields separately from bE but assessing potential projects around the area. The pair has thirty-plus years of experience in Africa and Latin America doing sustainable agriculture and health-related work, and this is their vision of retirement. They’re interested in the work in Kahkabila, and we’re trying to notice possibilities up there in the same way they do.

Third bE rule: …we forget the third rule.

Last incident of note, aside from the fact that articles regarding creepy-crawly things and alcohol (separate articles) are forthcoming, there was a 6.1 magnitude earthquake outside of San Juan, Costa Rica that caused plenty of damage and was felt at least as far away as Bluefields. For the East-Coast half of us, this was his first earthquake.

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