Wednesday, December 24, 2008

December Update, or Give the Gift of blueEnergy!

The latest turbine installation in Kahkabila marked blueEnergy’s first remote health clinic energy system, providing electricity for a vaccine storage fridge, an asthma-treating respiratory device, and evening lighting for the resident physician. Members of the bE team also held a week-long training and maintenance seminar for the local energy commission, along with installing electrical wiring to power the community’s only primary school. 

In Bluefields, bE recently completed a solar panel system installation at the Bluefields campus of the National Technical Institute (IPCC-INATEC), our partnering technical school that bE is helping to reinvent as a regional center for renewable energy and community development.

Most volunteer programs don’t pay their volunteers anything. In addition to not getting paid, volunteers with bE also contribute monthly payments to offset their living expenses. We also sleep in hammocks, we share bathrooms with gigantic face-gnawing spiders (ok, so maybe not face-gnawing, but we’re not about to find out), and generally encourage low overhead expenses through mild amounts of suffering. Donations are tax-deductible and heavily leveraged with our corporate sponsors.

A little goes a long way down here (average incomes for technical positions in Bluefields are about US$100 per month), and the Nicaraguan postal system has a spotless record of losing every single incoming package. So, instead of trying to bubblewrap that fruitcake or fresh bottle of IPA, please consider making a donation to blueEnergy. Even $25 or $50 can be immensely helpful in moving bE forward with upcoming water filtration projects and community outreach activities.  It takes about two minutes.

There’s a link on the left side to bE's FirstGiving account, or click here.

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